How to start using Cloud Bouquet

This page describes the setup process to start using Cloud Bouquet.

Steps to get started

Please follow the steps below to set up Cloud Bouquet.

  1. please provide the following information to our staff.
    • Administrator’s email address.
    • Hardware information or region information. (for details, please contact our sales or click here)
    • Number of points to be initially purchased.

After our setup process is complete, you will receive the following information.

- Your login account information.

  • Login account information.
  • Login node information (based on your hardware requirements, we will provide you with the login node(s) in the appropriate region(s)).
  • Other files required for login, etc.

  1. please login from the following URL based on the information provided.


  • Points can be purchased at any time.
  • Please contact our sales team if you have any questions or concerns about purchasing points.

Guide after you start using our service

Follow the steps below to get started with Cloud Bouquet.
For more information, see User Guide for details.

  1. register user groups and users (administrators and users)
    (Refer to User Guide/How to register users)
  2. management of points
    (Reference: User Guide/How to register users)
    (Refer to: User Guide/How to manage points)
  3. start and run a Compute node
  4. Terminating a Compute node
  5. Displaying the execution status of a Compute node
    (The above is referenced in User Guide/User Guide to using Compute nodes)