How to manage points (for administrators)

explain how to manage points between wallets

Administrators can manage points used in Cloud Bouquet.
This section describes how to transfer points between wallets, etc.

1. Checking Wallet

First, we will explain how to verify your wallet.

There are multiple wallets (one for the administrator and one for each user group), each of which serves as a point holder. The administrator wallet is created when you start using Cloud Bouquet, and the user group wallets are created when you create a new user group.

To view your wallets, first select <Setting> <Point Wallets> from the left menu bar to open the <Point Wallets> screen.


The following items can be found on the [Point Wallets] screen. The “Total:” at the top of the screen shows the total number of points in all wallets. In the above example, in addition to the administrator wallet, two user group wallets, “default”, “default2” and “default3” are registered, and the administrator wallet (Admin) has 10,000 points, and both default, default2 and default3 have 0 points.

Wallet OwnerThe owner of the wallet. Wallet can be either an administrator wallet (Admin) or a wallet for each user group.
Currently Available PointsThe number of points held in the wallet. The number of points held in the wallet will never be less than zero (a negative value).
Details[Detail] button. This button takes you to a detailed view of a specific wallet.

The [Detail] button on the 【Point Wallets】 screen will take you to the 【Wallet Detail】 screen.

The 【Wallet Detail】 screen allows you to view detailed information (history) of the point transfer process for a specific wallet. At the top of the screen, “Wallet Detail:” displays the name of the wallet being viewed, and “Balance:” displays the number of points currently available for use. On this screen, you can start the point transfer operation described in the next section by clicking the [Point Transfer] button in the upper right corner. (2. Transferring points between wallets)


The following items are displayed as detailed information (history) of the point transition process.

DateThe date and time when the point transfer process (payment or receipt) took place.
FromThe originator of the point transfer.
ToPoint recipient in a point transfer.
Transaction TypeOne of the following is displayed as the type of point transfer:
- Point Purchase (new points received through point purchase, etc.)
- Withdrawal (Recovery of points due to cancellation of reservations, etc.)
- Refund (Return of points due to cancellation of reservations, etc.)
- Distribution (points transferred from the administrator wallet to any user group wallet)
- Reserved (Point consumption in any user group wallet (Reserved))
- Consumed (points consumed in any user group wallet)
- Collect back (points transferred (collected) from any user group wallet to the administrator’s wallet)
- Point Expired (Loss of points due to expiration)
Points TransferredPoints Transferred
Available Points after TransactionWallet point balance after the transfer is processed.
NotesNotes field. The contents of the notes column will be displayed when the transfer process is executed.
UserThe person who executed the transfer process; for Point Purchase, this is us, and for other transactions, the administrator who actually performed the operation is displayed.

When a computation node is reserved by spending points, the history of Reserved is displayed. At the scheduled startup time, the startup process of the compute node is executed and the history of Reserved is changed to Consumed.

2. Transferring points between wallets

Administrators may transfer points between wallets.

When using points to access a compute node, points must be consumed from the wallets of each user group (points are consumed by the operation of launching a compute node by a user belonging to the user group in question). (The points are consumed when a user belonging to the user group launches a compute node.) Since the initial points are held in the administrator’s wallet, you must first transfer the points from the administrator’s wallet to the wallet of the user group in which you plan to use the points.

To transfer points, click the [Point Transfer] button in the upper right corner of the 【Wallet Detail】 screen of the administrator’s wallet. (1. Check Wallet)
. Clicking the [Point Transfer] button in the upper right corner of the 【Wallet Detail】 screen in the administrator’s wallet will display the [Point Transfer] modal screen.


The modal screen of [Point Transfer] has the following entry fields.

Point TransferEnter the source and destination of the transfer so that it becomes “Point Transfer Source -> Point Transfer Destination”.
Points to be TransferredFill in the number of transfer points.
NotesRemarks for the transfer process.
Precalculated Points“Points to be Transferred”, the point balances of the source and destination wallets will be displayed.

In the following, we will explain the execution procedure using the example of moving 5000 points from the “Organization wallet” (administrator wallet) to the “default wallet”.
First, enter the source and destination of the transfer on the left and right side of the “→” at the top, so that it reads “Point Transfer Source → Point Transfer Destination. Also, enter the number of points to be transferred, 5000, in the “Points to be Transferred” field. The “Precalculated Points” column will now show the Organization Wallet balance of 5000 points (Admin Points: 10,000 - 5,000 = 5,000) and the default Wallet balance of 5000 points (default Wallet balance: 5,000 = 5,000) after the transfer is processed. 5000 points (User Group1 Points: 0 + 5,000 = 5,000).


After filling out the form, press the [Transfer] button at the bottom of the [Point Transfer] modal screen to execute the point transfer. After clicking the [Transfer] button, a pop-up window will appear with a [Final Confirmation: Point Transfer] message. To execute the point transfer, click the [Transfer] button on the pop-up screen.


The above will transition 5000 points from the “Organization Wallet” to the “default Wallet”. (The transfer process will take a few seconds.)
When the process is complete, you will be returned to the 【Wallet Detail】 screen of the administrator wallet. Here, you will find the history of the 5000 point transition process described earlier. In this example, it is described as a Distribution (sending points from the administrator wallet to any user group wallet) operation. Since the admin wallet is the source of the point transfer, “Point Transferred” is listed as -5000 as a subtraction operation.


After the transfer process is complete, select from the left menu bar, and check the [Point Wallets] screen to see the balance in each wallet after the point transfer. Here, both the Admin Wallet (Admin) and default Wallet have 5000 points, indicating that points have been transferred.


Click the [Detail] button on the default wallet and go to the 【Wallet Detail】 screen, which contains the history of the 5000 point transfer process described earlier. Since the default wallet is the recipient of the points, the “Point Transferred” is listed as 5000 as an addition process.


The above steps will transition points from the admin wallet to the user group’s wallet.

You can also transition points from the user group’s wallet to the administrator’s wallet (collect back) by adjusting the source and destination of the points and following the same procedure.

For more information on the operational conditions of points and wallets, please click here.
This is all about how to manage points (for administrators).